Bridge Blog
It was encouraging throughout January to see a good steady resumption of our different bridge activities with minimal disruption from the Club refurbishment programme. As I write, we are all now considering our third chair alternative, (if we include sticking with our present ones), and it will be interesting to see how the selection finally turns out. Personally, I am happy with any of the alternatives on offer and pleased that we have been well consulted and have a number of good options to choose from. Chair support and comfort is an important issue for many of our Members. Hopefully the final selection will work for everyone.
The match programmes are now resuming with away fixtures frontloaded as planned (for obvious reasons). The away fixture against AELTC is always very popular although trips to the MCC and RMS (Ladies’ Golf League) are also attractive options.
Club Competitions
The Club pairs competition – the Founders Trophy is taking place over two sessions on Monday 10th and 17th February instead of the usual Duplicate Bridge sessions. To be eligible to win, pairs need to be both Club Members and play in both sessions. Winners of the competition will be entitled to represent Roehampton Club in the Surrey EBU Mary Edwards Competition which is due to be held on 11th May at Wimbledon Bridge Club.
Club Refurbishment
The Club Refurbishment seems to be proceeding well with no disruption to our bridge programme, apart from the occasional banging noises during the daytime sessions. We expect to play in the Bridge Room through to mid or late March, after which bridge will switch to the Fountain Room (or similar) while the Bridge Room is refurbished.