Chair’s Mid-Year Message

Entering July and the second half of the year, the glorious weather has returned, and all our main sports are in full swing. Wimbledon has started, The Open golf championship is around the corner, even England have managed a couple of wins in the Euros, so you can feel a real buzz around the Club. It is important we don’t get ahead of ourselves, but let’s just enjoy these periods.

The Club sections remain extremely active with Club championships and national team competitions being held in many of the sports supported by social get togethers in the gardens which is good to see as it remains one of the key strengths of our Club. Many Members are commenting on the high quality of the food at the Bistro evenings, events and in the Club Café.

AGM Feedback

Our AGM in late May consisted of transacting the Club’s statutory business and included short presentations from the Chief Executive on the revised Masterplan 2035 plus the Chair of Finance on the Club’s current financial position. The four new Directors Penny Egan, Colin Hector, Fiona Pollard and Nikul Sarin were duly ratified onto the Board. A list of the new Committees and section liaison Directors has been posted on the noticeboard and website. We look forward to their contributions to the Club.

I also want to highlight the many Members who contribute a significant amount of time on the various section committees and special projects e.g. social and bar areas redesign.  We are very lucky to have so many accomplished people who are prepared to give back to the Club and we should not take that for granted.

Within the AGM itself there was an active discussion across a range of points, but the three that I want to highlight are:

1. Approved Share Count and Number of Club Members

We had sought, and received, approval to be able issue an existing pool of shares to Members. Although the legal mechanics are complicated by our Trust structure dating back from the original buy-out, the underlying discussion was more focused on the concern about increasing the number of playing Members given the current capacity constraints. This is a recognised concern and the Board reiterated that it is not looking to increase the number of Members. In addition, the Board is working with the sections to look at ways to reduce some of our bottlenecks.

Finally, we think it is important to highlight to Members the work of that original buy-out membership group. They laid the foundations for what the Club is today for which we thank them.

2. Course Usage and Tee Times

The golf course remains extremely busy, and the Golf Committee is evaluating ways to spread out the usage. There is going to be no easy or single solution here, we are likely going to have to try a range of things. We will consult with the membership to get input e.g. the recent survey on the preferred online tee booking time. The majority voted to keep it at 7am.

3. The Development on Courts 25 to 28

We are evaluating the construction of a Padel and Pickleball Hub in this area. Design ideas had been generated with and without the key consideration of being able to construct and afford roof coverings. Wandsworth Planners have said they would not support a roof construction due to its impact on openness on MOL.  We will now go back to the drawing board and set up a working group with representatives from Tennis, Padel, Pickleball, Health Club, Family Forum who all have a view on the best use of Courts 25-28.

The topic of maintaining grass courts is always going to create a range of views within a tennis club, and as we have promised we will conduct a Member survey on this topic when we know what is going to be feasible from a planning perspective.

This project is not currently due to start until late 2025 so we still have enough time to listen to Member views. As we articulated at the AGM and at the Member Forum last year, we encourage Members who have strong views to please share them and work with the section committees. Having an open dialogue on these topics always works better as we are not the first Club to have had this debate.

Update on, and Communication of, the Three-Year Plan

We remain focused on developing a clear plan for the next three years, and to communicate that clearly and consistently while giving Members the opportunity to contribute. We recognise that this is a big Club with a lot going on, so it is not easy for Members to keep on top of all the developments. Over the last twelve months, on the larger investment level topics we have used a wide range of communication forms.

Despite this some Members still highlight they didn’t know that we had a Masterplan or been to the Reading Room to see it. We welcome ways to improve but also want to highlight we have actively used (and ask people to focus on)

◊ Open Forums and the AGM
◊ Emails from the Chair on the plans
◊ The Roehampton Club Recorder – The Chair and CEO’s messages

This is complemented by

◊ Noticeboards
◊ Section Committee meetings and Section AGM minutes on the website
◊ Club and Section WhatsApp
◊ Emails – at the Club and section level
◊ Members’ website

It is important to highlight that the larger projects are all subject to getting the necessary planning approvals and acceptable costings once approved. We continue to work with Wandsworth Council Planning Team through the designs on the three upcoming projects, all of which have reasonably significant embedded risks. In addition to the Padel and Pickleball Hub discussed above the two main projects are. 

Clubhouse – Bar, Terrace and wrap-around decking

Open Forum Discussion on 10th September, 6pm to 7.30pm

We aim to transform the appeal of the Club’s social areas in Q1 2025.  DesignLSM has been working closely with the House Committee. We will walk the Members through the concept on 10th September in an Open Forum to allow input. We will need planning approval for the wrap-around decking, which we hope to have some form of retractable canopy for the terrace overlooking the gardens. If we secure approval we will look to start work on the terrace in October and the bar and social areas next January. Given the need for support foundations for the decking, and to upgrade our facilities infrastructure we have structural engineers currently assessing this in detail. All signs point to completion at the end of April 2025.

Indoor Golf Centre and Short Game Practice Area (SGPA)

We have completed the pre-app phase discussions with Wandsworth Council Planners and have submitted a formal application for planning consent.  We hope to have satisfied the new BREEAM and Biodiversity net gain (BNG) regulations and if we receive planning approval we will go out for formal tenders. If we are successful, the current expectation is that we would break ground in April 2025 with completion in early 2026.

There are various other smaller projects, but I hope Members can see the Board and Executive team are working hard this summer so we can all input into the Masterplan 2035 Development Plan.

Use of Mobile Phones in the Health Club

The Health Club Committee has requested that staff enforce the rule that mobile phone calls can only be made in the new work areas in the Clubhouse Reading Room and Bandstand, changing rooms (no video calling) and Club car parks.

Members understandably object to other Members making calls in the Juice Bar and around the Outdoor Pool. Staff have full authority to ask Members to refrain from making voice or face time calls and Members who refuse to comply will be dealt with.  All devices must always be in silent mode.

Click here for the full Rule 17 ELECTRONIC DEVICES (other than medical)

Also, please ensure that all changing of babies’ nappies is carried out in the changing rooms and not on poolside.

Please make the most of our amazing Club respecting your fellow Members and staff.

Best wishes,
