Chair’s Message

I welcome everyone back for the New Year and hope people had a restful holiday. 2024 has arrived and immediately started to challenge the Club with storms, wind, rains and frost. It is always hard to predict the weather, but we are anticipating long-term changes and challenges, which we will need to invest and prepare for. We also remain in a period of considerable political and economic uncertainty, and although our Club is in a strong financial position, we cannot ignore these dual challenges.

On a positive note, the Club’s management team has adapted exceptionally well in keeping all facilities functioning during the January storms. Member utilisation remains high across all our sports and activities and member feedback has been excellent. The waiting list is strong, and the number of Member resignations in 2023 was low. The Club has a good foundation to continue evolving.

Current Projects

The two current projects are on schedule, and we thank Members for their patience and understanding of the reduced menu available for January and February.

◊ Electrification of the kitchen and upgrade of the electricity infrastructure.

This project is important on several fronts as it saves energy usage, upgrades our kitchen capability and importantly continues the modernization of the clubhouse infrastructure. This modernization is an important point, as the clubhouse is over 50 years old and we need to make sure it is fit for purpose for the next 50 years. We are using the works to upgrade the air-handling and ventilation on the west side of the building plus upgrading the electrical distribution for the whole Clubhouse. These will also be needed for the Members Bar and Terrace projects.

◊ Refurbishment of the Tulloch Clinic

Following an impressive refurbishment carried out by Pure Sports Medicine (PSM) over the last five weeks, the Wellbeing Studio is now fully re-open. This is just one example of a number of updates to the studio and the services now available to you with Pure Sports Medicine, and it looks fantastic! Check it out for yourself and meet your new PSM team with a free 15-minute PSM appointment. To book, either visit the studio or call 020 7788 7000.

To book skin and body care appointments with Ronel or complementary holistic treatments with Christina, please call 020 8480 4242 or click here to find out more.

Masterplan 2035 Update

We are making good progress with the various planning approvals and preparations around the identified projects. The Board recognises they represent a significant investment for the Club, and it is important they are phased and de-risked as much as possible. We have learnt that digging down into our property, and work on the Clubhouse will bring surprises that we cannot totally eliminate, even with surveys and planning. We will present our thinking around this during 2024, as we are dependent on the timing of the various planning approvals however we do not expect to run large projects concurrently, and will limit the periods of overlap. This has the dual benefit of reducing inconvenience to Members and spreading the inevitable risks inherent with these infrastructure related projects.

The Members Bar and Terrace refurbishment phase

We have selected an interior design firm – Design LSM – and are in the process of appointing surveyors. The work will likely take three months to complete, and given the potential disruption we are proposing that we delay the bulk of the work to Q1 2025. We may be able to split the Bar Terrace upgrade from the internal work. We plan to hold an Open Forum in the coming months to allow for Member input into the scheduling and to see the proposed designs.

Indoor Golf Centre (IGC)

We have completed the pre-app phase with Wandsworth Council Planning officers who are largely supportive of the current designs, with modifications. We are now creating the formal information pack required for the full planning application and are looking to submit that in February with the hope of receiving a formal decision by May 2024. Once we receive planning approval, we can work up the detailed design ready for formal tenders.

The most vulnerable part of the project will be the initial earthworks so a mixture of exhaustive surveys and trial pits and digs will need to be undertaken in the summer or autumn if the above schedule goes to plan.

Padel and Pickleball Hub on Courts 25 to 28

We are evaluating the construction of up to five more padel tennis and seven new pickleball courts within the Hub. This development will also look to include an extension of the space for the outdoor pool seating area. Design ideas have been generated with and without the key consideration of being able to construct and afford a retractable roof which again would require planning approval.

I hope everyone had a good break and here’s to a successful 2024.

Best wishes,
Michael Hill