Chief Executive’s Message

Dear Member,

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year to all Members and especially to the New Members who have joined this month. We hope you will be integrated quickly into to the Club, welcomed by all our Members and be guided by the staff on how to make the most of your membership.

How many weeks can you keep to your New year resolutions? – i.e. to get fitter and feel physically and mentally stronger in 2024.

Our Health Club is the best place to start. Health Club Manager Stuart and his team have put together a fabulous start to the New Year Programme in the pools, gym and studios to help you whatever your age or current condition! Highlights include:

♥ New Technogym Cardio Equipment
♥ New online Pilates class by Susanne
♥ Body pump morning classes – Monday, Thursday and Friday 7am and Wednesday 6:30am.
♥ Tai Chi classes are back with Graham Hadley
♥ New Swim Fitness sessions and adult lessons
♥ New Indoor and Outdoor Pool Timetable
♥ Junior Swim Lessons up and running
♥ One-to-one PT session availability

Keep your resolutions until at least mid-February!
Click here for gym and fitness sessions and here for Health Club updates and swim session information

Kitchen Refurbishment and Electrification

Firstly a big thank you to all Members for your patience while we provide a limited menu in the Club Café due to the Kitchen refurbishment. Secondly it seems that as a result the pizzas, hot soup and salads are proving very popular for adults and families alike. The project is on schedule to be completed early March which is good news as we work on making it fully sustainable and future proofing its operation for the next 15-20 years.

Click here to view the current limited  menu

Dates for your diary for when the kitchen re-opens

An Evening with Fleur Anderson MP- 7th March 2024

Please note in your diary that Putney and Roehampton MP Fleur Anderson is coming to talk about national and local issues and how they affect our local community. Fleur will be chatting with Club Chair Michael Hill and answering questions from Members and guests on the night.

Sign up at Reception as this will be a popular evening

Bistro Evenings

Bistro Evenings are due to start once more on Thursday 14th March and Chef Lloyd will be conjuring up a Greek theme for the month of March. A new menu will be available to view in the coming weeks.

Manchester United – the World’s Biggest Cash Machine- Friday March 22nd – 6.45pm

Member Chris Blackhurst will talk about the story of the Glazer family buying Manchester United and the wider issue of the perils of big money controlling soccer in the UK as outlined in his bestselling book. Not one to miss if you’re a football fan.

Booking available soon

From the Archives

Click here to read Club Archivist Steve Reidlinger’s latest issue of From the Archives charting key anniversary events from the Club’s last 100 years.

Volunteers for Forums

The Club has three Forums representing key Membership groups – Senior and Young (in age) Member Forums and a Family Forum.

The current Forums will be looking for new Members to join them in May so it would be helpful if Members could indicate now if they are interested in participating in the Forums to help improve current operations and suggest ideas for future investment. Please express your interest by email to

Please click here to see the terms of reference for each of the Forums as they were created a few years ago. This seems an ideal chance to review progress made and review the brief/ TOR for the next three years so we can inform the Club’s Strategic plan and its Development Masterplan 2035.

Good luck to our Sporting Superstars

The New Year also means a fresh start to the tennis and golf professional seasons and we wish Joe Salisbury, Cam Norrie, Lloyd Glasspool and Hannah Klugman every success in the Australian Open Tennis Championships next week and Annabell Fuller as she starts her European Tour professional golf career at the Kenyan Open next month.

Meet the team

This year, we will focus on Members getting to know more about the Management Team. We start with General Manager, Simon Baker and People Engagement Manager, Rahma Khairadin

Click here to find out more about Simon and Rahma

Best wishes,