Chief Executive’s Message

Dear Member

As we approach Christmas it has been a busy time for all the section events celebrating the festive season and it’s so good to hear all the compliments made about how friendly the staff are and how the good the service is. Chef Lloyd and his team have come in for particular praise as have Nikki Clark and her team backed up by Vitalii, Dev and Will leading their Bar and Club Café teams. The Christmas Magic Carvery and Punch Lunches were very popular with fabulous feedback and it was lovely to see families with three or more generations enjoying themselves. We will be staging four Magic Carveries in 2024.

Club Committee Drinks

I was pleased to join Chair Michael Hill thanking all the Club Committee members on Tuesday evening for all their support and I took the opportunity to introduce and thank my Senior Team on all the hard work put on over the year. Many have worked closely with the Committees to achieve a great deal in improving communications, presentation of surfaces, new lesson programmes and activities. Staff really appreciate the feedback Members give them as we all strive to improve the Club’s operation.

Upcoming events

Mini Christmas Racquets Camps

… continue next week 18th to 21st December from 9.30am to 12.30pm each day. Run by Danielle Snapes, each Mini Racquets Camp will encourage mini-Members and their friends to build foundation skills such as agility, coordination, speed, teamwork and racquet games / specific skills in a fun, nurturing environment. Click here for more information.

Neurological Support in the Community – Making a Difference

Do you have a Neurological Condition? Are you a Carer? Do you support a friend or relative with a Neuro condition?

Join us for a free talk at the Club on Thursday 25th January, 10am – 12pm and hear from health care professionals and authors of Neurological Support in the Community – Making a Difference:
♥ Dr David Beales, Retired GP living with Parkinson’s,
♥ Ellie Kinnear, Physiotherapist, founder of medical charity Integrated Neurological Services
♥ Sara Challice, Carer for 13 years, and author of award-winning book Who Cares?

To give us an idea of numbers, book now at Reception, give the team a call on 020 8480 4200 or log in and book online via the Members’ website at Members’ guests are welcome.

Club Bistro and Café – New Nordic Menu

The new Nordic Menu in the Bistro has also been lauded following the success of November’s Mexican menu. Please take advantage of the remaining Thursday and Friday evenings this and next week to book your table to use up any remaining annual levy. Click here to view the menu and book a table.

Environmental Committee Achievements 2023

I must thank David Burditt who has chaired the Environmental Committee this year once more and produced a summary of what has been achieved as we pursue our target of aiming to become net zero in our operations by 2030. David is supported by Simon Baker, Richard Williams Nikul Sarin, Philip Greenhalgh, Graham Huntingford and Marcel Brinkman plus my department heads. Please click here to read David’s report. The Committee will produce quarterly updates as well as new information on digital screens in the Clubhouse and Health Club so that Members can see the progress we are making week on week in 2024.

Kitchen closure – January and February 2024

As previously mentioned, we are closing the kitchen operation for two months to convert it from gas to being fully electric powered. While doing so we will upgrade all the services and surroundings to future-proof the kitchen for another 15-20 years. While the works are ongoing for the two-month period we will offer a limited menu in the Club Café, Piazza Coffee Shop and Juice Bar. Please click here to view the menu.
The kitchen will be fully functional after its upgrade on 2nd March 2024.

Closure of Pure Sports Medicine (PSM) Clinic and Wellbeing Studio in January

As part of their agreement to run the Tulloch Clinic for the next ten years PSM agreed to refurbish and reconfigure the Clinic’s rooms at their cost. They will start this work from 2nd January in two phases. For the first phase the Clinic will be completely closed from 2nd to 14th January. In the second phase the clinic will open on 15th January but will offer a limited service in physiotherapy, podiatry , massage and beauty treatments. Please therefore book your appointments now for 15th January onwards. The Clinic will be fully functional after its upgrade on 29th January 2024. Find out more

Hannah Klugman – Orange Bowl Winner


Our very own Hannah Klugman has become the first British girl to win the U18 Orange Bowl Junior Tournament in Florida.


Aged just 14 Hannah follows Sofia Kenin and Coco Gauff winning this Junior Grand Slam tournament. This caps a brilliant season for Hannah after finishing runner up in the Girls Doubles at Wimbledon with fellow Member Isabelle Lacy.


The Tennis Committee continues to support Hannah in her travels and let’s hope 2024 brings greater rewards

Roehampton Community Box

We have had a renewed call from the Roehampton Community Box – our local social supermarket – that they are very short of food supplies despite getting three surplus food deliveries and buying in £600 worth of food weekly.

In the last few months, they have seen an increase in the numbers signing up for their service and at the same time surplus stock levels are falling. The cost-of-living crisis is now a long-term issue and the situation is going to get desperate.
Click here to find out what’s needed, how to donate and read more about the Roehampton Community Box


May I and all the staff wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
