Chief Executive’s Message
Dear Member,
It’s so good to see the Club in all its splendour during this stretch of hot sunny weather we are experiencing. It means that Members can play on the fabulous grass courts day after day and often from 10am when the dew has burnt off early plus take advantage of the four splendid croquet lawns as they gear up for not only Members’ competitions but also the World Association Croquet Championships which are being held in mid-July across three venues, Surbiton, Hurlingham Club and ourselves – click for venue dates
Further details will follow but we hope one of our First Team players can progress deep into the competition and they may need home advantage to do so. We know that our lawns will be immaculately presented, and our home support will be out in force.
If you fancy having a go at croquet yourself sign up for Croquet and Cocktails evening on 30th August – click here for more details
Golf Invitation Events, Swimming Gala, and Water Polo
It was pleasing to hear so many good reports from Members as they brought guests to play golf in the recent Men’s and Senior Men Invitation Days. Praise was fulsome for the presentation of both the course and the food afterwards to complete the day. I would like to personally thank Members last Saturday for their patience when Thames Water turned off our water supply by accident causing a few hours of angst behind the scenes.
Click here for the Men’s Invitation Day report and here for the Senior Men’s Invitation Day report.
Last Saturday we also hosted Hurlingham Club in the annual family swimming gala and we emerged victorious after totting up the points in all the junior and parents races. But the most important factor was the smiles on the faces of the children and proud parents as they received their medals afterwards. Click here for the report
A big thank you to all the staff involved in putting on these events for Members as they showpiece the Club and make Members proud.
If your 12–15-year-old would like to try Water Polo in a fun and relaxed evening with food and friends, please sign them up for the evening session in the Outdoor Pool on 30th June – click here for more details as we look to provide more activities for the older Junior age group.
Open Gardens last Sunday
Each year we support the London Open Garden Squares weekend by allowing the public to view our superb gardens with the entrance fees going to the Open Gardens nominated charity. The Gardens’ Team welcomed many people last Sunday as they admired the different garden displays Peter Bradburn and his team have nurtured. All commented on how they provided a lovely backdrop and sanctuary complementing the sports facilities.
Family Day – Saturday 17 June from 11am
We anticipate a great turnout for Family Day this Saturday. I believe there a few tickets left for the young children (aged 5 and under) to really enjoy the games and activities with the traditional barbecue food and sweets displays to support the event. Book your tickets with the Reception Team now or buy your tickets on the day. Please ensure you bring plenty of sunscreen!
Play with Legend Tour Professionals on 7th August
The Club hosts a Pro Am golf day each year with the Men’s European Legends Tour which is always a great opportunity to play with one of the legends of the game – Major winners and former Ryder Cup stars Roger Chapman, Phillip Price, David Gilford, Steve Richardson, Stephen Dodds all feature and with the Q&A on Sunday evening combined with the golf on Monday it’s a wonderful experience. We still have places left for individuals to join a team so please contact Louis on to sign up.
Rules reminder
With the good weather attracting more Members to use the Club more frequently we are experiencing an increased number of Club Rule transgressions. I would be grateful if all Members could click here to remind themselves of certain rules so we can minimise incidents and accidents around the Club. Thank you for your co-operation.
Roehampton Community Box Support
Members are encouraged to support the community box appeal by donating items and dropping them off at Security as they will be collected by the Community Box team. Click here for more information and required items
BAFTA for journalist and Club Member Matt Frei
Lastly, we must acknowledge our very own Matt Frei who, as part of the Channel 4 news team, received a BAFTA for their coverage of the war in Ukraine. Matt as many know is a very popular guest in a number of Evening with … social events and we are so pleased he has been recognised for his outstanding journalism skills.
YouTube clip of Matt Frei receiving BAFTA award
Best wishes,
Marc Newey
Chief Executive