What does this mean to you, dear Member?
Hello big slice if you are not careful! This article and the images above demonstrate that we should not be looking to copy everything these great athletes do. They propel the ball such vast distances because they can physically do what we cannot, so we cannot always ape their swings. The key is to locate the swing plane for you and we are all different with different limitations. I play my best golf with a slightly upright plane and my worst golf on any form of flat plane. I am currently coaching two Members who are great friends, play regularly and are both single figure golfers. One hits it best on a flat plane, the other I am creating for him an upright swing. Both are hitting it further and better with a 30-degree difference between their respective swing planes. That’s golf.
When are finally all back together, come and let me measure you for your optimum swing plane. It is a simple process.
If you have any questions on the swing, just email me richard.harrison@roehamptonclub.co.uk and I will use these questions in future articles or in my online lessons for Members.
Online lessons
In the meantime, check into my YouTube channel:
I will be posting drills and exercises for you to do in the lockdown period as well as live videos for online tuition. The first dates and times for our live daily meets are:
Friday 3rd April 11:30 and Saturday 4th April 09:00
Keep a club handy if you can.
Richard Harrison