Chair’s Message

Dear Member,

Sports Club of the Year 2022

I am very pleased to report that Roehampton Club was awarded the accolade of Sports Club of the Year for 2022 last night at the UK Club Mirror Awards in Leicester. This is the fourth time we have won this award and it is testament to the commitment and dedication of our excellent team of staff.

Airhalls One and Two

After a few unexpected delays both Airhalls One and Two are now fully operational and have been very well received by our tennis players. Due to the recent heavy rainfall still in the court surface we still need dehumidifiers in Airhall One for a few more days. Work will start shortly on fencing in the air handling unit for Airhall Two as well as providing planters between Airhall Two and the croquet lawns.

Property Development Committee (PDC)

The PDC is a subcommittee of the Board and has a key role to play in the re-development of the Club’s premises and facilities. We welcome the involvement of Club Members with the relevant expertise on the PDC and are currently looking for a practising or retired architect to join the committee. If you have the time and interest in being involved, please contact Marc Newey –

Following the survey results from earlier this year the House Committee is currently working on both short term and longer-term plans to improve the food and beverage experience and ambiance of the Clubhouse and it is anticipated that House and PDC will work closely together on the re-development plans.

Rosslyn Park FC

We have written to RPFC stating that we cannot support their appeal against the planning enforcement notice served on them by Wandsworth Council and recommended that RPFC should make every effort to comply with the four key provisions as below:

◊ Remove the dark kitchens (which has been done)
◊ Remove the London Broncos lean-to gym
◊ Rationalize down from 6 storage containers to 2 or 3
◊ Consider the need to retain the outdoor gym (and if so without music)

We continue to have a good dialogue with RPFC, and we are supporting their wish to reduce the advertising hoardings on Upper Richmond Road down from two to one hoarding in the next few months. RPFC has received planning permission to do so.

Ibstock Place School

We continue to liaise closely with Ibstock School on the drainage issues near our 14th green.  Managing the flow of water from their land into our boundary ditch on that hole is crucial. There are no further updates on the climbing wall as they seek a protective netting solution before using it.

Food and Beverage (F&B) and Events teams

We have had several major events in the last month – the evenings with the Le Bons and Sir Thomas Allen, the return of the impressive Fireworks Spectacular, the Art Group Dinner and the Bridge Swiss team’s competition. A big thank you to the new F&B and Events teams for organising and delivering these major Club and Section events, all of which received excellent feedback.

Golf holes protective netting

The new 20m netting is up on the perimeter of the 10th hole and the new 10th tee is now in use. As far as the 12th is concerned, we are still waiting on the procurement of longer ground screws for the fence posts before the recently painted stanchions and netting can be re-installed.

Art Group Exhibition and Sale

The Art Group Exhibition and Sale in the Fountain Room, Reading Room and the Health Club foyer was officially opened by Sir Thomas Allen last week at the annual Art Group Dinner.

A record number of 145 entries by 50 artists are exhibited. We have some very talented artists in the Club and these exhibits will make wonderful Christmas gifts.

Best wishes
