Chair’s Message
Dear Member,
Don’t these glorious autumn mornings make you appreciate the wonderful facilities at the Club and the staff who work so hard to deliver and maintain such first-class assets for us. You will have read in the press that the hospitality sector faces major staff shortages and higher than average wage increases. During 2022 our staff turnover rate has increased from an average of 22% to 33% and we, like everyone else are experiencing difficulties in recruiting and retaining front line staff.
To reduce annual staff turnover the Board approved a £1,000 loyalty bonus per person earning under £45,000 pa starting for the period 1st November 2022 to 1st December 2023. Currently staff who work a full year in 2023, and are not on a disciplinary, are eligible to receive two half year staff fund payments of £500 totalling £1,000. This is a payment from Members to recognise good service on a day-to-day basis negating the need for tipping and Christmas fund payments. This new loyalty bonus doubles that and should be a good incentive to stay.
Staff retention and motivation are key core values of the Club and a smile and thank you from Members counts for a great deal. This is important for all members of staff, but it is especially pleasing when Members make an effort to welcome/compliment some of our newer employees.
Comment Cards are the perfect means to compliment a staff member to make sure their manager gets to know when an employee has been particularly helpful or generally exceeded the performance that is expected of them. Staff then are recognised through the Club’s reward scheme.
Indoor Golf Centre and Sports Shop
The Golf Committee and Golf Practice Group held a productive joint meeting 10 days ago to discuss and agree the key requirements of the proposed Indoor Golf Centre. A specialist ground survey company is undertaking a detailed report on the site before we go back to the planners with our revised plans. Subject to planning permission, the IGC will incorporate a lower and upper ground floor and in addition to the proposed 10 Trackman golf simulator bays, will be the hub for our golf teaching pros, course marshalls and golf retail shop. The hub for tennis and other sports will be the existing Sports Shop.
Work starts this week on the new fences to the right of the 10th hole and when completed we will be able to use the new 10th tee. The stanchions to the rear of the 12th green are being painted green as are the fence posts next to the 11th tee.
Improvement Projects
Here is a brief update of other ongoing projects:
◊ Airhall 2 should be ready for use by early November.
◊ The various Health Club projects are nearing completion.
◊ Work on the extension of the bike sheds will start on 31st October for 6 weeks.
◊ Work will start in November on the installation of solar panels on the Clubhouse and other buildings as planning permission is not required.
◊ The proposed refurbishment of the Men’s and Ladies Clubhouse changing rooms will be postponed until October 2023 to minimise disruption to all.
◊ Work on replacing the passenger lift cabin in the Clubhouse will happen in the New Year. A temporary stair lift will be installed for the installation period.
Rosslyn Park FC
We continue to consult with our neighbours/ tenants as they try to resolve the issues raised by the Planning Enforcement notice they received from Wandsworth Council. Those of you who are RPFC Members will have received a letter asking you to support the use of the outdoor gym(s). As the freeholder, we do not support RPFC’s decision to appeal against the multiple conditions of the planning enforcement notice. The dark kitchens were removed some months ago, but we have asked them to rationalise their use of containers and remove the London Broncos lean-to gym. We wait to hear how Wandsworth Council want to progress.
Ibstock Place School
Constructive discussions continue with Ibstock Place School about their climbing wall and we have a reassurance that they will not open the climbing wall until a protective fence is in place and all necessary planning regulations have been met.
Member Levy Card statements
We have held lengthy discussions with ESP whose software we use for our card payments and statements. We will be shortly introducing a new ESP App with more readable statements and various new facilities. Details are still being finalised with our software supplier, but the new App will hopefully address Members’ issues and concerns raised at the AGM. It will also provide an early reminder of when a levy balance is running low to enable it to be topped up before arriving at the Club. Further updates and details will be provided as the project progresses.
Continued National Croquet Success
Congratulations to the Croquet section for winning both the national Inter Club Association Croquet and the Longman Association Croquet Cup. This means that our Croquet Section is both the national Inter Club Golf Croquet and Association Croquet Champions which is a fantastic achievement. Of the six national Club trophies on offer for all abilities in 2022 Roehampton Club has won four:
Inter Club Golf Croquet Cup, Inter Club Association Croquet Cup, Longman Association Croquet Cup, Murphy Golf Croquet Shield
Health Club Committee
Congratulations to the six candidates who were elected to the new Health Club Committee. It was a close contest and commiserations to the eight who stood but were not elected. Terms of reference have been drawn up for the new Committee and approved by the Board. The first meeting will be held in November. Pictures with contact details of the Committee will be put up in the Health Club to channel any new ideas through to improve the section.
Best wishes,