Chair’s Message

Dear Member,

The Board held its annual strategy day on 22nd September which flowed neatly into the Board meeting in the evening. It was a long day, but some important decisions were to be made and new strategies to be considered. A summary of the key issues is below and an update on the Masterplan 2035 will follow in due course once we have consulted with Wandsworth Planning on what’s permissible. Progressing the Indoor Golf Centre (IGC) remains our number one priority for major investment.

Annual Subscriptions for 2023

From higher inflation to rising energy costs to falling currency value, we are all facing unprecedented financial pressures in a climate of economic uncertainty. Our Club is equally challenged.

An important task at the September Board meeting was for Directors to assess these pressures and to decide the required level for subscriptions in 2023 necessary to maintain the Club’s financial stability in such uncertain times.

Our Finance Committee had calculated a level for 2023 subscriptions taking account of the recent subscription history, our ever-increasing operational cost pressures combined with the initiatives in place to control utility overheads, as well as the forecasts of UK inflation rates. Wages to recruit and retain staff in the hospitality industry have soared over the last year and the Club is making every effort to reward and recognise staff to retain them.

The Finance Committee then sought the agreement of the Board’s Membership and Marketing Committee, and the two Committees came to the Board with a recommendation.

The Board discussed in depth the proposed increase and approved the recommendation that an increase in annual subscriptions of 10% for 2023 is required and this increase will apply to other associated costs. The exception will be locker and buggy hire costs which will be kept at 2022 levels. In addition, a Junior (17 and under) golf guest fee rate will be introduced to encourage more juniors to bring friends midweek and, in the holidays, subject to all required handicap and ability requirements.

Historically the Board’s policy has been to increase subscriptions each year by 1% over the headline level of inflation. We decided against this for the last two years and are not intending to do so in 2023.

There are significant variations in the forecasts for inflation for 2023. The Bank of England reports a current inflation rate of 9.9% and predicts inflation to stay at or a little above 10% in early 2023 while some investment banks predict UK inflation as high as 18% over the same period.

Because of the very prompt action by our senior management in the autumn of 2021 we have been able to fix our electric and gas prices for another two years. Without this prompt action we would certainly be looking at a higher rate of subscription increase.

Click here for the 2023 subscription rates

We are also, as Members will be aware, taking steps to future proof our Club against high utility costs with several on-going initiatives:

1. Installing more solar panels on the Clubhouse and Health Club roofs and other buildings by February 2023 expecting the investment pay back to be in the order of four years

2.Considering improvements to our rainwater harvesting from all Club roofs and the golf course.

3.Researching the installation of heat pumps to capture heat and recycle it in the Clubhouse and Health Club.

In addition, we are increasing the number of charge points for electric cars in the car parks and keeping the charge rates below high street charges.

The Board appreciates that the 10% increase may be hard to fund for some Members and we would encourage anyone in such a position to contact our CEO privately at to discuss a payment plan.

Entrance fees for 2023 to increase by 15%

Our entrance fee rates are currently positioned at the top quartile level benchmarked with our competitors. The Board is not only happy with this strategy but will continue to raise entrance fees above the rate of inflation.  Our waiting list is running at approx. three years except for prospective members with family in the Club who can join the Club on an accelerated basis following the policy change in 2021.

Click here for new Member fees 2023

Food and beverage levy

The annual food and beverage levy will be increased from £185 to £200. Please note that you must spend your 2022 food and beverage levy before the end of December, but any residue of your Club Credit received in 2021 carries over into next year and up to 2024.

Capital projects update

The Bar Terrace work has been completed with the terrace back in use. The protective glass panels will be installed back in place on 4th October complete with heaters and lighting. The lobby between the Indoor Pool and Outdoor pool will be completed by 1st October and the poolside family room by 7th October. The stairlift up to the Art Studio has been installed and the Sports Hall toilet refurbishment will be completed by 1st October.

The Health Club steam room is due for completion mid-October and Airhall 2 is due to open at the beginning of November. This has been delayed slightly due to the installation of underground drainage linked to the attenuation tanks under Courts 15-16. The Airhall itself will be erected shortly so the painting of the acrylic courts can take place under cover. Airhall 1 will be in place for early October.

The Board has approved an extension of the bicycle sheds by the entrance to double up the Member cycle and motorcycle provision. Work will start mid-October and be completed by Christmas. Apologies for any disruption caused but this increase in provision has been requested by many Members.

Golf course protective fencing

The protective fencing alongside the 11th tee and around the 12th green is already serving its purpose well reducing the number of stray balls being hit outside our property. The Golf Committee has asked for the tripod stanchions to be painted dark green and this will be done in mid-October when the 20m fencing alongside the 10th tee will be installed. That will be painted green prior to installation.

Sports Committee Elections

Thanks must be given to all the Members who have volunteered to stand to serve on the Sports Committees for their first and second terms respectively. You are the backbone of the Club and we are very grateful. Fourteen Members have been nominated for six places on the new Health Club Committee so an election by all adult Members will be held shortly.

Talks with our neighbours

Positive talks with our neighbours Ibstock Place School regarding use of the climbing wall next to the 14th tee and water drainage continue with site safety being the predominant concern. Dialogue with Rosslyn Park FC also continues regarding their recent planning enforcement notice from Wandsworth Council and we were pleased to note that the dark kitchen containers have now been removed from their site.

Golf Croquet National Champions 2022

Roehampton Club’s sporting success continues with croquet taking the honours this week. Tim Russell led the team to defeat Watford 5-1 in the National Club Golf Croquet Championship last Saturday. Not satisfied with this success the team is aiming to do the double and win the National Club Association Croquet Championship this weekend at Surbiton – click here for details and all support will be welcome.

Our Padel tennis first team just missed out being National Champions losing to the NTC in a nail-biting tie breaker two weeks ago but our Women’s Squash team won the Club’s first European Club title with their recent win in Italy. Fantastic achievement and details here.

 Call My Bluff and return of Fireworks Spectacular

The new Autumn / Winter Social Scene is published and events and activities are being booked up fast. Please click here for full details. The ever-popular Call my Bluff on 4th October has one table left I believe so book it now before it goes. Look out for the return of the ever-popular Fireworks Spectacular on 4th November.

In conclusion, the Club is going from strength to strength. Our waiting list is currently three years plus and prospective members quote the impressive range of facilities and our sense of a welcoming and friendly community as their main reasons to join. The Board wants to maintain these attractive attributes through continued investment in retaining very good staff and improving our high-quality facilities and activities. We trust this has your full support.

Best wishes,

Vivien Harris