Chairman’s Message 

Dear all,

What an uncertain and volatile world we live in. Just as we thought we might all be emerging from the worst effects of the pandemic; nature decides to test us differently with three named storms in seven days; inflation reached its highest figure in 30 years and Russia invades Ukraine with consequences yet to be felt.

Against this background, our Club offers a more tranquil oasis of near normality. The greens and grounds staff in particular are to be congratulated and thanked by us all for their work in continuing to allow us to play sport outdoors and for keeping the Club looking so well.

The Board had its regular monthly meeting yesterday. There were some significant topics on the agenda of which these were the most notable:

♦  Airhall 2. Now that planning permission has been granted, we were able to hear directly from our contractor, Trevor May Ltd. They have been responsible for the ITC and Airhall 1. The purpose of the briefing was to report on progress on the design and to seek decisions on some open questions so that we can be presented with a final budget and timetable at our meeting at the end of March. Decisions need to be made then so that orders can be placed and the work programmed to have the new airhall ready for the end of October. Construction will take place between July and October on courts 7-10

♦  10th hole safety works. Mindful of its statutory duties for health and safety, as well as the public liability issues caused by errant golf balls escaping our estate into or over Priory Lane, the Board accepted the advice of the Club’s professional advisers as recommended by the Golf Committee. Whatever concerns there may be concerning the aesthetics of the proposed safety netting, safety is paramount. An application for planning permission has been made on this basis. Work is proceeding with the advisers and contractors so that if permission is granted, contracts can be placed with as little delay as possible eliminating the need for the temporary tee when the work has been completed.

♦  Energy audit: we considered the next steps to realise the substantial reduction in our carbon footprint which can be realised by reducing our electricity and gas consumption in the ways described in a recent report from our energy consultants. At current prices, this work when completed could reduce our energy bill by over £100, 000.

We also heard about the continuing effects of Covid on our staff. Individual employees are still being infected. Our management are able to cope with the impacts on staff rotas, but, despite the government’s ending of all legal restrictions, it does emphasise the need for us all to follow the guidance which is still in force in the interests of everyone’s health and wellbeing.

Turning to less serious matters, I had the pleasure of attending two very enjoyable events this week. The first was ‘Call My Bluff’ wine tasting on Monday. Our chefs provided us with six superb tasting dishes to accompany the wines put before us by the Wine Committee. The evening was expertly compered by Chris Jones, chairman of the Wine Committee. Our bluff was called by a panel of Nick Goddard, Jane Weldon and Nicki Davis. In their contrasting but complementary styles, they tested our taste buds and little grey cells. I highly recommend this event to you, whenever it is repeated.

On Wednesday evening, my wife and I had the pleasure of attending the Prince Obolensky dinner at our friends and neighbours, Rosslyn Park Rugby Club. This was great fun and all in a great cause to raise funds for the Rosslyn Park Sports Injuries Trust as well as other facets of the rugby activities at the club. The Park are having a very good and successful season, currently top of the table. Why not go and watch them? High-class rugby on our doorstep. As Roehampton Club Members, we are entitled to discounted tickets. See below for how to access those … *

Best wishes

Alan Jenkins, Chairman –

* Rosslyn Park RFC discounted tickets for Club Members

♦  Tickets are £15 at the gate or £12.50 Online booking in advance
♦  Roehampton Club Members offer ticket price £7.50
♦  Use Promotion Code – Roehampton Club

The promotion code needs to be entered first in order to unlock the ticket type.
Tickets can be purchased here:

Games applicable to the promotion:
♦  12th March vs Birmingham Moseley
♦  02nd April vs Caldy
♦  16th April vs Cambridge
♦  30th April vs Plymouth Albion – sponsored by Roehampton Club

Rosslyn Park RFC look forward to welcoming Members to their games.