Chairman’s Message
Dear fellow Members,
Earlier this week, the Prime Minister confirmed the latest phase of unlocking us from the COVID-19 related restrictions. Further details of what this means for our operations, especially in relation to food and beverage services, are set out elsewhere in this Recorder.
Click here for the Health Club updates, here for tennis and here for food and beverage
I am sure we are all looking forward to a significant step in returning to normality.
As a result, the Board’s Crisis Management Committee (CMC) needs no longer to meet. The CMC was set up just before lockdown one last year to provide a swift and effective decision-making mechanism to deal with the rapidly evolving situation. The Board and many Members have acknowledged the work done by the Committee. On behalf of us all I would like to express our thanks to Marc Newey, Karen Hunneyball, Patricia Morgan and Justin Ward who served on the Committee with me.
Club AGM
As Members will know, it is intended to hold our AGM on 22nd June. The PM’s announcement on Monday gives us confidence that we will be able to hold this as normal with Members present as in the past before last year. I must however caution that if things unexpectedly change for the worse between now and then we may have to make other arrangements at short notice. We will inform Members of these, should the need arise, as quickly as we can.
The AGM is required by law to deal with certain formal business. This is set out in the AGM Notice which Members will be receiving shortly. It covers the reappointment of the Auditors and of the outgoing Directors. There will be no election of Directors as we have received no further nominations to the four Directors who are re-standing. In these circumstances, I urge you please to use your proxies to vote on the formal business.
As is customary, the AGM will also be used for a short presentation on the current state of the Club and immediate plans for the future with the opportunity for members to ask questions. It would be much appreciated if Members who have questions could submit these in advance to the Chief Executive at so that as full an answer as possible may be given. This does not mean that questions cannot be raised at the AGM meeting.
If we are not able to hold the AGM as intended, we will make arrangements for a Members’ informal forum online on a date near to the AGM.