Chief Executive’s Message

Dear Member,
I hope all of you are keeping safe and well as we all look out of windows watching even more rain fall. The golf course, croquet lawns and tennis courts are completely sodden as Peter Bradburn will allude to in Grass Clippings as he wistfully looks for a dry window to undertake some drainage and aeration works.

We have contractors on site busy working away despite the appalling conditions firstly building the padel tennis courts where the mini tennis courts are located, secondly completing the new Piazza Coffee Shop and lastly revamping the Golf Swing Studio as Ricky Pharo will be outlining in his next Sports Shop report.

The small residue of staff we have working either at the Club or from home are busy maintaining a full programme of activities. We have nearly 1,000 Members taking part in online fitness classes and an increasing number watching the golf professionals giving free on-course tips on YouTube and online tennis lessons provided by Racquets Director Dan Lott that you can practise at home against the wall.

Joe Salisbury


Speaking of tennis I hope you will all be watching out for our very own Grand Slam Champion Joe Salisbury defend his Australian Open Doubles title with partner Rajeev Ram.


Joe has had to wait two weeks for Rajeev to come out of quarantine in his hotel so their preparation will be limited but we will be cheering on our esteemed Honorary Member to see if he can repeat his feat and go to World No 1. The Australian Open starts on 8th February through to the 21st February.

Valentine’s Day Click and Collect menu


Our Click and Collect service started last month has been very successful with nearly 200 meals bought.


The new Valentine’s Day menu, created by Executive Chef Arnaud, is already proving popular please click here for details on how you can order and collect.

Art, Bridge and Backgammon

I must thank Paul Mendelson for the increased popularity of his online bridge lessons and to Kate Blake and the Bridge Committee for organising a full week of bridge sessions. Chris and Gill Bray are keeping your backgammon skills sharp as well so thank you both. The Art Group led by Richard Ramsey and Sarah Owens continue to provide a full programme of online lectures and classes.

2021 Subscription renewals and waiting list

As we hope we are over half way through this lockdown the staff are consistently thinking of more ways to keep Members engaged both mentally and physically and are active in preparing the Club to be in the best shape to welcome Members back.

The Board has been listening to the wish of some Members for the Club to offer a compensation gesture to reflect the period of closure for this year. It is very grateful to all Members for renewing their 2021 subscriptions and sustaining the Club at this very difficult time for all.

The Board is considering what options it has to offer such a gesture and it will be able to confirm this in March. If any Member is suffering any particular financial hardship in paying their subscriptions please can they contact me so I can see what help the Club can offer. I am pleased to report that the waiting list remains very strong at still a two year wait to join with the number of resignations in 2020 only slightly higher than at the end of 2019.

And finally …

Can you recognise this former Chairman and good egg? Click here

Please stay safe and well
Best wishes